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Guess who said that? HIM!! Not me, him! I agreed that it was moving very fast and that it would be best to stop. So we stopped. Or tried to. A couple of times. Eventually we managed to separate ourselves and I said I had better go before we lapsed again. He asked if I’d see him again and I responded with a probably-too-emphatic yes.

We agreed to catch up again the next weekend. I walked home (all 200 metres) with a huge grin on my face.


Posted in Take2 's Posts

Tagged dating advice, dating stories, Online Dating, single girls, singles

Goose: I’m on a boat!
Posted on April 23, 2010 by Goose| 5 Comments
AGAINST ALL odds, the Pirate produced a charming evening. I’m not even going to mention that he was 40 minutes behind schedule. Ahem.

It was a beautiful autumn evening and the city lights sparkled as we bobbed on the boat (don’t ask me what kind – although I love it, I’m hopeless with all things nautical) drinking red wine while we waited for our Thai take-away, entertaining ourselves with the Lonely Island.

He lamented that he didn’t have time to make the vegetable korma he had in mind but he’d taken the initiative to search Eatability for somewhere that offered outstanding vegetarian options. Cute.