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Shlomo Shunn July 19, 2014 at 00:41
> “Now, women have no incentive to become partners in productive nuclear families, and men have no incentive to be husbands and fathers.”

B-b-b-but the men’s movement would never let that happen. They are ever-vigilant in defending the rights of men.


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sondjata July 19, 2014 at 17:48
I had to interject here on the familial arrangements of Africans. While there are a number of different African cultures that could be discussed, since African -Americans are largely of West African stock, I’ll focus on that:

Among the Ashanti and Yoruba (two large groups that make up AA’s), polygamy is practiced and was at the time of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. in such an arrangement. Child care was and is seen as “woman’s work” and is often engaged in by groups of women. Being actually related to the children in question is not a requirement or a barrier to care.

In situations where there are multiple wives (each with their own compound) the most junior wife could often be charged with childcare. Even then, the point would be that the all the wives were on the hook for the raising of children.