Nurture the Red-Blooded Male in Him
How Do You Know if Someone is Right For You
Top 10 signs he is about to break up with you
Signs you May Be Too Clingy in a Relationship
Create a Facebook or Linkedin or Instagram Page to Increase Your Chances of Success in an Online Dating Site
A Successful Relationship Is NOT Based Upon Looks Alone
How to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Online Dating (Without Packing Heat)
Online Dating Liars: Why they do what they do
10 Types Of Women You Can Expect To Meet In An Online Dating Site
10 Kinds Of Guys You Can Expect To Meet In An Online Dating Site
I am a Black female that is an EOD (equal opportunity dater) who is just waiting for the times to catch up. As my mom always says you never know who you are going to fall in love with. Just make sure he treats you with respect and he can bring to the table that can equal you.
October 11, 2009 at 11:24 am
paleskinnedchick says:
“Why can’t people get it through their media-induced anti-racism comatose minds that black people are *not* some endangered species. They are people, just like you, me, and every other idiot on this planet. They have a common physical trait, namely a dark skin. People are allowed to be attracted to blonde hair, blue eyes, and every other physical trait, but being attracted to a pale skin is racism?”
Really? Just, really?
Here is your embedded bias, your prejudice, your racism. If you identify and agree with this statement, it’s you.
October 11, 2009 at 11:59 am
satch says:
Mr. lake whale, Education is being able to express one’s self without resorting to 4 letter saxon words.
October 11, 2009 at 12:18 pm
upthorn says:
@just passing
You meant “a stereotype”, not “prejudice”.
How Do You Know if Someone is Right For You
Top 10 signs he is about to break up with you
Signs you May Be Too Clingy in a Relationship
Create a Facebook or Linkedin or Instagram Page to Increase Your Chances of Success in an Online Dating Site
A Successful Relationship Is NOT Based Upon Looks Alone
How to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Online Dating (Without Packing Heat)
Online Dating Liars: Why they do what they do
10 Types Of Women You Can Expect To Meet In An Online Dating Site
10 Kinds Of Guys You Can Expect To Meet In An Online Dating Site
I am a Black female that is an EOD (equal opportunity dater) who is just waiting for the times to catch up. As my mom always says you never know who you are going to fall in love with. Just make sure he treats you with respect and he can bring to the table that can equal you.
October 11, 2009 at 11:24 am
paleskinnedchick says:
“Why can’t people get it through their media-induced anti-racism comatose minds that black people are *not* some endangered species. They are people, just like you, me, and every other idiot on this planet. They have a common physical trait, namely a dark skin. People are allowed to be attracted to blonde hair, blue eyes, and every other physical trait, but being attracted to a pale skin is racism?”
Really? Just, really?
Here is your embedded bias, your prejudice, your racism. If you identify and agree with this statement, it’s you.
October 11, 2009 at 11:59 am
satch says:
Mr. lake whale, Education is being able to express one’s self without resorting to 4 letter saxon words.
October 11, 2009 at 12:18 pm
upthorn says:
@just passing
You meant “a stereotype”, not “prejudice”.