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The Insidious, Intractable Problem of Street Harassment
The Toll of Bad Dating Experiences


Lady Raine Says:
June 25, 2010 at 11:11 AM
No More Mr Nice Guy:

I can’t believe that you have even HEARD of “I Spit On Your Grave”!!!

Believe it or not I OWN that movie and I discovered it through my sister’s ex-husband and his love of any and all Horror Movies no matter how cheesy. I recall him telling my sister and I after seeing it: “You and your sis really need to see this movie…..she gets the most awesome revenge on a bunch of hicks! (my most hated type of White Shame in America).

no more mr nice guy Says:
June 25, 2010 at 11:16 AM
I know why, but since you were all talking abuse against children and women and how you want to get revenge and you like horror movies, I thought you would be interested in these movies.

In the case of I spit on your grave, it’s the one the most controversial movie of all time, some say it’s a pure exploitation movie, some other say it’s a feminist movie. Ms.45 has a definitive feminist tone and Les 7 jours du Talion is a good reflection about vengeance – better than what you see in American movies.

no more mr nice guy Says:
June 25, 2010 at 11:21 AM
Lady Raine, I spit on your grave is one the most notorious exploitation movie of all time and I collect these movies. I even have books about them.

I Kiss Your Grave Says:
June 25, 2010 at 12:11 PM
You must really be in touch with your “pain body” No More Mr.