Online Offline Transition – First Date Blues
The Value Of Free: An Introduction To Loveawake
Loveawake Another 100% Free Online Dating Site
Dating Advice: Do The Things You LOVE
One Weird Mistake Men Make With Women
Give Women Respect Where It Is Due
Picking Up In Bars And Clubs
Biological Reasons For Dating And Fear

This means you have control over which member (or visitor) see’s certain pictures that you upload.
You can write about your dating experiences and post stories from your personal blog:

Future Updates:
One annoying feature of the site currently is the photo uploading… It just seems like it’s really hard to find. Rather than being able to upload an image straight away you first need to create your own album and click through 4 or 5 pages just to get to the uploading page. Members seem to be finding the page ok but it could be a much simpler process.

The points I’m trying to make are:

1. A lot of men don’t take her sexual desire or arousal into account when deciding on a long term relationship.

2. In fact, a lot of men are specifically taught and trained that her sexual desire and arousal are not important when embarking on a long term relationship. They’re not important, women tell us, because they’ve “grown” and “matured” and sex isn’t as important as you get older and there are so many more important facets to a relationship. That’s bunk, as many frivorced men can tell you. That’s bunk, as many men who’ve heard “I love you but I’m not in love with you” will tell you.

3. When women talk about “attraction”, they don’t mean it the same way as when you and I talk about it. When we talk about “attraction” we talk about women we want sex with. When women talk about “attraction” they talk about men who are nice, kind, deferential, good providers, funny, entertaining, good senses of humor, good companions, good mates and good fathers for their children. Women don’t talk to men much about what they find arousing sexually, because they fear being judged as shallow, superficial and bitchy.

These are reasons why a man has to suss out whether she really wants him, and this is one way to do that. Is it surefire? No. But it helps.

jeremy says:
December 5, 2014 at 4:18 pm
@ Deti – I get you. Like I said, your question is very relevant (and I agree, too many of us ignore/ignored it to our detriment). But it isn’t a panacea, and other factors are to be considered.