I said a little thank you to the online dating gods for rescuing me from a string of no-shows and idiots. I was definitely hoping for a “To be continued…”

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Posted in Take2 's Posts

Tagged bachelor, Dating, Online Dating

Magic: The date! (A looong time in the making!)
Posted on May 4, 2010 by Magic| 2 Comments
So, armed with my opening questions, my plan for a cheek-kiss (I’m not really a handshake girl), and my choice of preferred beverage, I arrive at the nominated destination. A local pub. Or to be specific, a rather trashy and bogan-filled local pub. We selected this venue based on the idea that if we found it really hard to generate conversation, we could at least amuse ourselves by making fun of the other patrons. Bonding through judgmentalism!

However the bogans proved unnecessary. After the moderately awkward “Hi” (and yes, he also went for the cheek kiss) we started to chat.

And chat. and chat. and chat. For three straight hours.

Conversation flowed well. He was smart, funny, entertaining, had a really interesting life story, and was interested in mine. Plus he was cute.