Nurture the Red-Blooded Male in Him
How Do You Know if Someone is Right For You
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Signs you May Be Too Clingy in a Relationship
Create a Facebook or Linkedin or Instagram Page to Increase Your Chances of Success in an Online Dating Site
A Successful Relationship Is NOT Based Upon Looks Alone
How to Protect Yourself from the Dangers of Online Dating (Without Packing Heat)
Online Dating Liars: Why they do what they do
10 Types Of Women You Can Expect To Meet In An Online Dating Site
10 Kinds Of Guys You Can Expect To Meet In An Online Dating Site

Prejudice a judgement formed before contact is made.
Stereotyping is seeing two people in a group doing something, and assuming the third, fourth, etc do it too.

October 11, 2009 at 12:59 pm
David says:
A few notes:

1. As a gay man, I find this study homophobic. But I have to thank you for effectively excluding me from your accusations of racism. Looking at the alias the poster chose, I suppose I shouldn’t be that surprised?

2. As a white man, I have dated people of mixed race, black, Asian, and Hispanic origin. I feel I should also point out as an American, I’ve dated people from many places outside of my own mother country. (I won’t say how many because it makes me feel rather slutty, thank you.)

3. Throughout all of my dating, I’ve discovered I’m mainly interested in white men who tend to be taller. Does that make me racist? I should hope not. Perhaps a little shallow, but not for lack of trying to be otherwise.

4. Additionally, I should point out I would never exclude a reply to someone based on — *gasp* a DATING site — looks. Literacy and some signal that says you read MY profile (I’m sure it may surprise the number that don’t) has much more to do with it. Does it mean the chances of us dating (again, *gasp*, from a DATING site) if you’re white will go up? Sure. But I never exclude possibility. I also reply to people who aren’t even interested in dating. A lesbian recently messaged me (we’re kind of, you know, exclusively into other genders) and as it turns out, she’s been quite a good person to get to know.