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October 9, 2009 at 7:50 pm
1 says:
This doesn’t really follow any sort of statistical accuracy because you’re not taking the racial makeup of the general population into account. Of course there’s going to be less activity between minorities, because there are LESS of them. Even if the sample size of every racial combination is the same, you’re implying that there are the same amount of every race in the entire dating pool. There aren’t. You’re also implying that every area is the same racial makeup, which isn’t true either. A rural area in middle of nowhere Kentucky isn’t going to have the same makeup as central Atlanta.

If I live in an area where, say, 100 white girls and 20 black girls use OKC, and your sample size is 20 people, it’s simply less likely that all 20 of the black girls are going to interest me because that’s 100% of the race’s entire match population.

It’s also a matter of how many of them actually messaged me; using that same sample, if I get a message from 10 white girls (out of 100) and 1 black girl (out of 20), it doesn’t matter if I respond to the black girl and only 5 of the white girls; by OKC’s logic I respond to 100% of black girls who message me and only 50% of white girls who message me.

I’m not denying that racism exists on this site, but there are SO many other factors involved, and OKC’s social experiment isn’t even accurate in the first place.

October 9, 2009 at 8:00 pm
b says:
This isn’t cool OkCupid . Racism is a powerful word and we lessen its impact every time we use it frivolously. Great job trying to match levels of attractiveness and height, but your study still doesn’t cut it. People are so different, and the users of each race that use OkCupid do not likely represent the greater population. Regardless, what is the problem with a general preference for specific race/s? Mating selection is a very personal decision, why insult those who are interested in certain mates? Save the R card for something truly disturbing.