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And if Marvel thinks it can make up for the loss of interest in boys by picking up girls, it’s time to think again. Normal girls (as opposed to future feminists) far prefer feminine characters doing ladylike things — not dominatrix types holding giant hammers. In fact, girls’ preference for femininity goes just as absurdly far as the over-the-top masculinity of pro wrestling and GI Joe. Wonder Woman, with her less-imposing weapon (the lasso), fashionable armor (bracelets), leggy, model physique and beautiful mane of black hair at least made some effort to appeal to feminine tastes. The new trans-Thor, on the other hand, wields a hammer, wears a helmet with a facemask and apparently has big, burly arms. I can’t see my daughter being all that interested in that kind of female character.

Finally, adult women who like Thor will not be all that happy about this. Thor’s main appeal to women is as a Nordic hunk. It’s hard to overstate the appeal of manly warriors with flowing blond hair — especially to white women. Changing Thor into a woman is going to seriously anger some of these female fans; perhaps even more than the men.

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Anon7 July 17, 2014 at 09:31
Female Thor has been around for quite a while, apparently. Google “female Thor” and click on the images tab. You’ll find the costumes and cosplays women have done.